For to His angels He’s given the command
To guard you in all of your ways.
Upon their hands they will bear you up
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
This Monday – October 2 – is Sarah’s birthday. It is also the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels.
It is entirely appropriate that the two dates coincide. She continues to be the guardian angel for her family as they grow and mature.
She also continues to learn and grow in her religious faith. As a young person, she specialized in science. Later on she was a human resources officer. Now she has completed an M.A. in Pastoral Studies with a focus on teaching young children the elements of Christianity via hands on experience.
As she grew and matured I always told her that how successful she was with her studies and her work wasn’t the key thing. It was all that anyone could ask that she became the best person she could be with the help of divine grace. She has more than exceeded those expectaions already. Her mother and I are very proud of her.
Happy birthday dear Sarah and many more I hope.